1. Didn't find the product you are looking for ?
    Text us on whatsapp -+91 8105003848 our sales team will help you with the availability and other details

    2 . How do you ship the orders ?
    We at Sparify use highly reliable couriers like Delivery , Ekart, Ship rocket , Amazon

    3 How long will it take to get my order delivered ?
    After successfully placing the order it takes from 2-8 working days depending upon the location
    Metro cities – 2-4 days
    Other parts of India – 3- 6 days
    North East and J&K - 4-8 days

    4 How can i track my order ?
    Details will be sent to your SMS /Email/ Whatsapp

    5 How long will you take to dispatch it after confirmation of order ?
    It usually takes 24-48 hours to get picked from the warehouse

    6 Do you ship all over India ?
    We ship to every nook and corner of India.

    7. What is your working time and days ?

    Days - Monday - Saturday 

    Time - 11 am - 7 pm

    8. What are the various modes of payment accepted here?
    For your order, you can easily pay via UPI (Google Pay, Paytm UPI, Amazon UPI, PhonePe), Credit/Debit Card, E-Wallets (PhonePe, Airtel Money, MobiKwik etc.) and COD (Cash On Delivery).